Unfortunately for the visually impaired, the world’s greatest art means little if they can’t experience it for themselves. That’s why Marc Dillon has launched his non-profit project Unseen Art, to 3D print the world’s most famous paintings so that the visually impaired can enjoy the pictures in their own way.
According to the IndieGogo campaign, Unseen Art is meant to involve people from all around the world to recreate classical art painting in 3D so that they may be touched and felt. “Creating equal access for art globally is our passion and goal. There are many people in the world who have heard of classical artworks their whole lives but are unable to see them.”
But to do that, the project needs to be able to reach out to more 3D artists who can contribute their interpretations of 3D art. In turn, the project would make these 3D designs free to download and print to any 3D printer around the world, including libraries, universities, homes and local businesses.
You can find out more on the Unseen Art IndieGogo campaign page, where the project is looking to raise $30,000 within the next 35 days. You can also find out more on the Unseen Art website and in the video below, where you can hear a visually impaired person describing Mona Lisa for the first time.