The religion of science, like any legitimate religion, has its own creation story. It has always been known as The Big Bang Theory. Recently, however, the Bang is seemingly being replaced by a Bounce. It seems that some of science has recently been embracing a new creation story known as the Big Bounce Theory.
The Big Bang Theory seems to go that, after the Bang, the universe began to inflate itself and there have been a great many who adhere to the concept of universe inflation. It seems to have always been the accepted premise for the scientists of the world. A new concept, however, seems to be recently gaining ground.
The theory that the universe began soon after it actually compressed and “scrunched” together has been around in the dark corners of science for awhile now but has seen some recent traction of late. For the Bounce theorists, the space/time that was around back then was different from what the Bang theorists believe and, because of that, the universe actually contracted in on itself and then suddenly flipped, or bounced, out into the universe inflation scenario.
Some recent new research seems to support the Bounce scenario and it seems it may be splitting the two camps in a similar way that Martin Luther had split the Christianity camps. Scientists, for the most part, approve of the inflation concept because it seems to explain a great many things that the religion of science constantly tries to explain to itself. For inflation, the universe is flat and is evenly proportioned in that there is pretty much the same amount of universe debris spread out over a gigantic space.
The Bounce and inflation theory, in this recent research, postulates that if this could occur with the universe in which we now find ourselves then it should prove to be responsible for a multitude of universes everywhere. There would be every possible type of universe with every conceivable, and not conceivable, physics and scientific laws. The camps are now aligned. One side loves the wonder of our universe and finds that it explains how our universe could come to be. On the other side are those who hate the multi universe concept because they think our universe unique and this theory doesn’t account for the creation of this unique universe only. Time and again, the opposing camp declares that the Big Bounce has been disproven.
The concept of “singularity” seems to be the issue between the two camps. The concept implies that the universe, in the beginning as they say, was one small and intense dot of sheer density. The Big Bounce needs singularity. The Big Banger’s think that singularity is meaningless in the mathematical sense. What has reignited the furor, however, is that the Bounce theorists have seemed to discover a way to mathematically prove the Bounce concept without showing any singularities in the formulas.