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Young teen invents clean energy device for $5

This week, young 13 year old Maanasa Mendu of Ohio won 3M’s prestigious Discovery Education Young Scientist Challenge by inventing a device that creates clean energy. Her entire project and invention only cost her five dollars to make. Young Maanasa can now claim to be the Top Young Scientist in America as well as taking …

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This floating cloud is actually a bluetooth speaker

Two years ago, the American designer Richard Clarkson created something he called a Smart Cloud. It was a ceiling lamp, containing a bluetooth speaker, built to resemble an ominous thunder cloud. It was a huge break from traditional design for such things but the drawback to it was that some of the realistic quality was taken …

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Baidu app will tell you if you’re sick

China’s gigantic search engine company, Baidu, has recently launched a smartphone app that will actually be able to tell you if you are sick. The app has launched in China and it is expected to be heartily embraced but analysts are not that certain that the English version, and eventual American launch, will be successful. …

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New turbine looks to harness typhoon energy

An inventor in Japan has designed a wind turbine that will enable the world to harness the devastating power and energy of a typhoon. Inventor and engineer Atsushi Shimizu has done just that. He hopes his new turbine will collect and redistribute the tremendous amount of wind energy provided by a typhoon. Japan is hardly …

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New device hopes to assist with lucid dreaming

A company in the Netherlands has created a device that they hope will assist with the phenomenon of lucid dreaming. Basically, though hardly simplistic, lucid dreaming is where someone is actually aware of the fact that they are, indeed, dreaming. The person knows that they are in this alternate reality and can better stay aware …

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Bionic arms just got an upgrade

For people using upper body prosthetics, it has been decades of frustration and anger. Despite huge leaps in technology and engineering over the past twenty years, bionic arms still remain clunky and unresponsive. Since 2007, nearly 80% of those using upper body limbs have rejected them. Until now it seems. The problem has always been …

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Wrist watch strap can turn your hand into a phone

A new wrist watch strap developed by a South Korean company can actually turn your hand into a cell phone. It is called Signl and this innovative gadget transfers the signals from a cell phone and forces them to travel through your body. By bringing and hand or a finger to your ear, the sounds …

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New device can sense emotions using wireless

Scientists working at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, have created a device that employs wireless signals to determine emotions in someone at a distance. The device is called the EQ Radio and it can measure a person’s heartbeat and breathing to determine what emotions a person may be feeling. At least, this is …

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