Ask anyone that makes use of a smartphone, cellphone, tablet or other portable electronic device about what they use and the biggest complain you are likely to hear all of the time involves the charge time they get for their devices. While improvements seem to have come in every other facet of these devices over recent years, the battery life of your smartphone never seems to be as long as you need it to be. There may be a way for you to fix all of that not too far off in the future if the ascent of wearable chargers continues to give you a viable option for charging whenever you need it.
Wearable Chargers are a Breakthrough
When Apple first started to develop and release the idea of the Apple Watch many thought it would not be long before there was some type of band available for the watch that would help to give it the added life you need to really make it worthwhile. Such a band now exists, promising to bring you the extra life extension you would need to truly make the watch functional. The wiPowerBand even uses the same cable that is required to charge your iPhone, meaning you would not have to carry around a bunch of extra cables with you to different types of charging. The band simply attaches underneath the watch and can provide you with the charging you need from the battery in the band.
Kinetic Chargers Available Now Too
There have also been some strides made that make the use of a kinetic charger as a viable option for your technology. Working much on the same process as kinetic watches do today where the watches receive winding from the kinetic motions you make during the day, the kinetic chargers for your phone or other devices receive energy from your daily movement, supplying that energy into a battery worn in a wristband or other area of the body so that the energy can be stored and you can then plug in your devices to charge off of the battery using the energy that it has stored. While there are a number of these products still in development and even some raising funds on Kickstarter such as Ampy, the possible breakthroughs that these devices offer are substantial as they can save you from having to spend time looking for a place to charge your device while you are traveling or out and about.
The idea of wearable chargers seems to be one that is progressing in the technology field. It offers many great opportunities for people since portable devices such as smartphones and tablets have become such an integral part of most people’s work and leisure lives today. This hopefully will lead to better quality charging products that can be developed for society as time goes on and even after technology companies have come up with the ability to provide small batteries that provide longer-lasting battery life.