Summertime means vacations, relaxation and doing just what you want to do with your friends and family. For a lot of people this means having extra time to spend out in the sun and warm weather at the beach, by the pool, in the yard or taking a road trip to anywhere you want to go. While it may be easy to remember for you to do what you need to do in order to keep your body cool and safe from the heat, there are other factors you need to consider as well. Since so much of life is driven today by the different electronic devices that exist, you want to do all that you can to protect your technology from the heat so you can keep it safe and running.
- Stay out of the Sun – Just like your parents and doctors warn you not to spend too much time out in the sun, the same is true for all of your technology and devices. Electronics are particularly sensitive to heat and changes in temperature and when the temperature gets over ninety-five degrees many devices may start to overheat in the sun. It is always best if you can keep things like your smartphone, tablet, e-reader or laptop out of direct sunlight as much as possible. Keep devices in your pocket or in a bag nearby and avoid leaving them in the car, where temperatures can soar even higher in the summer.
- Avoid Charging – If your phone or device feels hot because of a combination of use and being exposed to the heat, you are better off not trying to charge it when it is in this condition. Charging a device battery creates more heat for the device and you run a higher risk of the device overheating and causing damage if you try to charge a device that is too hot. Allow the device to cool down some before you plug it in to get a recharge going. You should also turn off your phone and let it get used to the cooler location before you turn it back on.
- Cooling Pads – This is more where your laptops or tablets are concerned. Using a laptop or tablet directly on your lap or even on a solid surface in a warm area is going to trap the heat in the device, making it even hotter. There are a number of mats, pads and stands that you can purchase that raise the device slightly to allow for better airflow into and around the device to keep it cool so it will not overheat.
Taking just a few simple precautions when the weather is hot to protect your devices can go a long way in saving all of your data, pictures and more from being lost forever. It can also help you to protect your device so that you do not have to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on repairs or replacements.