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Why would he invent deep fried water?


A Massachusetts man has recently invented something truly remarkable because it has never been done before. Jonathan Marcus figured out a formula and a way to create deep fried water. Not only is it remarkable on the face of it but one can’t help but ask, “why?”

Who would want deep fried water? Well, it turns out that Marcus has always loved a challenge. Because of this, he decided he would try and create something that might just be a prize winner at a recent San Francisco event that is called, believe it or not, Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas Hackathon.

So, Marcus did, indeed, set out to create something no one needs and has been rather successful. The true key to the success of the attempt lay, in what Marcus believed, was wrapping the water in some manner of substance or membrane that would allow him to deep fry it.


He ended up stumbling upon a gelatinous substance known as calcium alginate. This substance, which is composed of aqueous calcium chloride and aqueous sodium alginate, allowed him to form tiny congealed balls of water. He, then, took the tiny congealed balls of water and rolled them in panko crumbs and whipped eggs.


The balls of water were now ready for the deep fryer. Marcus discovered, however, that these balls of water can be as unstable and as combustible as nitroglycerin. If the water globules had burst open, the resultant mixture of water and hot oil would have easily led to an explosive situation. Just look what happens when some genius decides to put out a grease fire with water.

After finishing the frying and tasting it, Marcus admitted that his concoction was “the most blandest fried food I have ever eaten.” He recorded his entire experiment and it is available to be seen at YouTube.

PHOTO CREDITS: Jonathan Marcus