Russian physicists and engineers have begun work on a multi trillion dollar program to make teleportation a reality. The Russians want to be able to instantly move something from one place to another place without having to transport those things through the space that is in between the two points.
The proposal for the project has been submitted to Vladimir Putin, the boss of Russia, who is expected to enthusiastically approve of the program. It is all part of a new Russian National Technological Initiative program that has been created to bring Russia to the forefront of science, computers and technology. In addition to developing teleportation by 2035, the program also looks to create a Russian computer programming language, develop a cybernetics program as well as neural interface development and advances in quantum mechanics and quantum computing.
While such a thing as teleportation seems to belong strictly to Star Trek and the rest of the sci-fi world, there has been some great leaps with regard to quantum physics and the ability to do it. Recently, experiments at Stanford University had physicists being able to have particles appear in two different places at the same time over a considerable distance.
In other research and experimentation, researchers at Delft University in The Netherlands, were able to teleport information about 10-12 feet between two receiving points 100% of the time they tried to do it.
Russia has a strong and exuberant IT sector and several highly successful startups that look to continue to try and make Russia a major player on the world stage for science, physics and computer technology. As neural interfaces and quantum mechanics continue to make huge leaps forward, the concept of Star Trek like teleportation may, indeed, be within reach within the next decade or so.
Beam me up, Boris!