Whether you are aware of it or not, and most people aren’t, there is negative energy everywhere. We live in a world that seems to leak negativity at all turns. Negative energy is a living, breathing, almost physical, thing. It can damage you as much as eating the wrong food or walking out into the middle of traffic while staring at your cell phone. The energy is everywhere and the negative forces tend to come from other people. So, here are a few strategies to help keep damaging energy away from you.
Not everyone can get in…
Not everyone that wanders into your life has to be your BFF. If you know that deep down you are a people-pleaser, then stop it. Despite what Facebook constantly drills into everyone’s head, not everyone is a “friend”. You will have acquaintances but very few friends. You don’t have to spend time with someone just because you have a mutual acquaintance or because you work with them. If you are always complaining about someone that is in your life then guess what? It’s time for them to go. You don’t need them. They are just sucking away your energy. Also, stand in front of the mirror and practice saying “no” until it becomes natural to do so. If you don’t feel good around someone, if you are not energized by being with them, then release their energy from your life. You really don’t have that kind of time, you know.
Beware of the vampires and the monsters among us…
There are those among us who are the energy vampires. They feed of of other people ‘s energy. It is how the survive. They are the narcissists and the sociopaths and they truly are the vampires and the monsters among us. These are highly toxic and poisonous people. They are the other type of human being – those without a conscience. The only reason they exist is to feed off of your energy and to literally steal your very life force from you. Research their characteristics so that you know them and can spot them quickly. If, after your due diligence, you recognize one in your life right now, you must remove them. It is the only way to avoid being eaten by them.
Recharge and get some alone time…
People will continue to treat you the way you allow them to treat you. There is no victim mentality here so get that fairy tale out of your mind. You are responsible for how you feel at any given moment and who or what you will allow into your life at any given moment. You must stop living in your own little bubble world like most people do these days. Be aware of where you are right now and how you are feeling. Don’t allow the energy to take you where ever it may. There are too many people doing that already. They are the unconscious. You’re not a people pleasing robot. Also, schedule in some alone time to sit with yourself and evaluate how things have been going for you. Refuse to let the negativity of others into your life just so they can drain you. Take stock of how your life really has been going and make your adjustments. Remember, you become who you run with.
Living a human life is difficult enough. Don’t make it harder for yourself by allowing negative energy in.