With winter months coming about, people turn their attentions more to the weather and how it not only affects their day but their mood. For many people, the shorter days in the winter mean a lot less sunlight, which can actually translate into a variety of health issues for many people. Millions of people the world over can suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD as it is known), which can cause them to feel psychological and physical symptoms that can cause all kinds of problems. There are ways that you can combat the effects of SAD and technology has helped to create several sun simulators that can help to brighten your day and your mood.
- Dawn Simulators – One of the items that has come to prominence in recent years are dawn simulators. Dawn simulators are basically alarm clocks that can be used to help simulate the slowly rising sun in your own bedroom. The light from the clock will gradually brighten over time as a way of waking you up instead of a traditional alarm sound or music. This brightness can help you to wake in a more gradual fashion close to how natural sunlight would be, allowing you to feel better and more refreshed when you wake up.
- Box Lamps – There are several versions of lamps that you can get that can help you to simulate the sunlight in your own home or at work. These boxes are particular for certain types of light therapy that may be needed to treat people who are dealing with SAD. The lights are much brighter than what you would get from a typical lamp in your home or office and the light can even be transmitted at different wavelengths depending on your need during the day. Most people who use lamps such as this only need to sit in front of the lamp for about 30 minutes a day to get the correct benefits from it that your body needs to overcome the feelings of fatigue and depression you may experience because of SAD.
While technology has improved vastly in the creation of these sun simulators, you want to be sure that you purchase one that suits your particular needs the best so you can be sure to get the most benefits from the device in your treatment. There are many different dawn simulators and light boxes on the market today, along with sun lamps that can be used in your own home to provide you with the correct levels of brightness that you need in order to help combat the symptoms you may be experiencing from SAD. You can look at the different capabilities of the products available today on the market or speak to your physician regarding your SAD and what types of treatment and lights might be most effective for you so that you can experience the sunlight, brightness and warmth with the right lighting you need to combat the winter months.