It seems as though everyone you turn these days you need to have concerns about your health and the germs that may be around you everywhere you go. Whether you are at home, in the office or out in the public at a mall, restaurant, store or elsewhere you can find yourself at risk for exposure to millions of germs and all kinds of illnesses. There does not even seem to be a good way to protect yourself these days with immunizations and vaccines as these are not always as effective in helping you combat problems with colds or the flu or other viruses. Luckily, there have been technological advances in recent years that have helped to make more things hands-free so you can watch your health better.
Hands-Free Technology is Everywhere Now
You have probably gone into many public restrooms in malls and restaurants and even office buildings that feature hands-free technology throughout the bathroom. This includes the sinks, urinals, toilets, paper dispensers, soap dispensers and even the doors, allowing you to use the facilities without ever having to put your hands on a device that may have been touched by someone else who hands may not have been free of germs. While it has long been available in public places, these devices are making their way into many homes now as well as people are seeking ways to avoid germs all over. The prices of items like this have come down in recent years, making it more affordable for people to have touchless toilets and sinks in their own homes.
Hands-Free Health for Children
It is no secret that children spread germs faster and easier simply because they do not practice hygiene as diligently as many adults do. This makes it all the more important for hands-free technology to be available in schools and the technology has made its way into schools to help cut back on the potential of germ exposure. More schools use this technology with faucets, toilets and the like in their restrooms than ever before, but you also find the technology being used at water fountains and areas in the cafeteria where many hands may be touching different dispensers and devices, providing a potential home for many types of germs. With the use of hands-free devices more in schools the schools are able to diminish the risks for all of the children and adults working in the environment, making it a healthier place than in the past.
While these advances in technology have helped in taking important steps to making homes, schools, offices and other locations safer and healthier for all, no technology is going to be perfect at combatting germs even if it is completely hands-free. However, changes are happening all of the time as research is done to understand just how germs are transmitted and how devices can be made to be cleaner and healthier for everyone so that at some point the transmission of germs in this manner may not be as large of a concern as it has been to you in the past.