Fewer trends have swept around the world faster than the selfie stick. While people have long used their smartphones and cellphones to take pictures of themselves in various situations, at different places and with all kinds of people, having a selfie stick has changed the approach to that habit to make the process completely different. While some people rave about having the ability to use the selfie stick, just as many seem to hate the device. Why is there such controversy and just what are the pros and cons of using the selfie stick for yourself?
The Positives of the Selfie Stick
There are number of pluses to consider when looking at the usefulness of the selfie stick. Naturally, it allows you to take pictures of yourself in just about any type of location now so that you can get more than just your face in the shot. If you are looking to get good background detail into the picture with you if you are at a famous location the stick can give the length away from your body that you need to get a really good picture of everything. Taking group pictures better is also possible with the help of a selfie stick. You can get more people into the picture with you when you are able to hold the camera further back so that you can get everyone in. Another plus is that you do not need to ask anyone to take the picture for you; since you can do it all by yourself, you remove having to turn your smartphone over to a stranger in order to take the picture for you.
The Downside of the Selfie Stick
There are downsides to using a selfie stick as well. The stick itself is not something that is easy to travel with. You need to carry it in its own separate bag and always carry it with you if you think that you are going to want it for a picture. This can get heavy, tiresome and cumbersome if you have to do this all of the time. Another con is that other people frown on the use of a stick like this, particular if you are trying to take a picture that may be in a location where there are a lot of other people around. It can easily get in the way of others and be an annoyance to those around you.
The selfie stick is still a relatively new piece of technology that people are getting used to. Because it is so new, there is going to be an adjustment period as people decide whether or not it works well for them. For now it remains quite popular and if you are planning to use one you need to consider closely all that is involved with the selfie stick for yourself and others so that you are sure to be considerate of those around you and not interfere while you work to get the pictures that you want.