Robots, it seems are here to stay. Some are, anyway. Most recent attempts at integrating robots into the everyday human world have not been all that successful. For instance, in China, several restaurants in a couple of their major cities have been experimenting with robot servers for quite some time.
It just doesn’t seem to work out all that well. Most restaurant owners in these Chinese cities complain that the robots are forever breaking down and they are not really able to navigate a bowl of soup to a table. So, why is the new robot hotel staff at some Japanese hotels any different? They are there and they are there to stay apparently.
When you arrive at a hotel now, here in the future, it will seem that there are androids and robots everywhere. Where are the humans? Well, they are the happy guests, of course. At the Henn-Na Hotel located in the city of Sasebo, Japan, there are no human workers at all. They are all robots and one actually resembles some Pixar type of dinosaur character. Another is the receptionist named ChiChiraKanae who can graciously welcome guests in 19 languages.
Robots are quickly becoming the norm in many hotels around the world. At the Marriott in Ghent, Belgium, there is a 19 language speaking robot, also, named Mario who hustles around making sure the guests have everything they need.
Recent academic research has found that travel and tourism jobs are, perhaps, most at risk for automation and the take over of human jobs by robots and androids. In addition, some tourist research suggests that out of over 6,000 tourists that were interviewed, nearly two thirds of them said that they had no problem with robot workers at the hotels.